Wednesday, February 8, 2023

SEO ROI: How to Calculate the Return on Investment From SEO & Your Digit...

If you're not working every day on improving the SEO strength of your website, you're potentially missing out on millions of dollars in new business from free traffic every year that's going to your competitors. And the longer you wait, the further you'll be left behind.

Y'all ready for this?

Imagine owning an endless farmland. If you plant a few seeds each day, your farm will start to grow. The more seeds you plant, the larger it becomes. And pretty soon some birds will fly in. That'll show up, spread the seeds even further, then animals and wind will spread your farmlands and your seeds and your pollen. And I don't really know how farming works, but it gets bigger and bigger over time. Your farmland just keeps growing, and that's exactly what SEO is like. It doesn't happen overnight and it takes consistency and time, but the longer you consistently work on it, the larger your digital farmland on Google will become. And as more people find your business, your opportunities for continuing to build and take over valuable digital real estate will just keep expanding. So keep planting those SEO seeds and your business will continue to grow larger over time, providing you with free traffic that turns into buyers for years to come.

But if you neglect planting your SEO seeds and any one of your competitors is planting theirs, you'll begin to fall further behind and you'll start losing more and more customers making it harder to catch up the longer you wait. And it won't be that noticeable at first or even for a while until it's too late. And for most businesses, like I said, this means missing out on millions of dollars of sales every year, year in and year out to your competition. So let me ask you a question. Seriously, how long can your business afford giving away 10, 20, 50, a hundred thousand dollars of new sales every month to your competitors? How long can you last Post it in the comments below? And if you think this sounds a little hyperbolic or you might be a bit skeptical, let me tell you something. Almost every single day we get calls from business owners who are experts in their field and have been running their business for 5, 10, 20, even 30 plus years, but they hadn't been planting those SEO seeds and building up the SEO equity.

They could have been. Well, the people that have been around for 30 years wouldn't have been able to do it that long. But you know, Google's been around for 20 ish whatever they could have started a while ago. And historically they hadn't needed to, right? That's why they haven't done it or so they thought. And I hear business owners say things like this all the time, literally daily things like we used to get all our business from advertising in the Yellow Pages, or we've built up a clientele who knows us from networking and just being a part of the community for years. And the one that hurts me the most is, well, we used to show up on Google for terms that would bring us business, but our rankings have just been decreasing over time. And the flow of new customers is drying up, is more and more businesses sort of pop onto the scene.

And that's the thing I'm talking about here. It's the inevitable truth of neglecting seo. The expertise and authority you build in the real world does not automatically transfer into the digital world. You have to intentionally put it there. You have to build your SEO equity. And if you don't, other businesses who are less experienced, less knowledgeable, and less qualified to serve your community and your potential customers are gonna overtake you until eventually you're only left with the customer base that you've built up over the years. And with attrition that's gonna start to dwindle over time right now is like the California gold rush of the 18 hundreds. And if you aren't land grabbing digital real estate and building on it, the safety and longevity of your business is at serious risk. And if you think it sounds dramatic, have a quick look at some of these companies that thought they were too big or well established to need to adapt.

Travel agents, hotels, blockbuster video, taxis, and the yellow pages. I think you're starting to get the point here, right? And even if your industry isn't going anywhere, you might be because of something that all businesses experience, which I touched on a second ago. For all of you smart listeners out there, it's called churn or attrition. And churn is essentially the rate at which your current customer base shrinks over time happens to all businesses. And when you're growing, you don't really need to worry about it too much because even a decent growth for businesses will typically far outpace churn. But the internet is growing faster than ever. And each day, more and more of your competitors are coming online and they're investing increasing amounts of time, energy, and resources into online marketing. Don't make me put stats on the screen because I will do it. And this means that if your competitors don't already have a marketing strategy that works, they will very soon.

So the point is this, if you neglect your seo, you're not only missing out on six, seven, even eight figures of a new revenue every year, depending on how big of a customer base you serve, but you're also putting your business at risk of inevitable extinction. And I get it, there's one question you may be asking yourself right now, and probably the reason you clicked on this video in the first place. Well, is SEO even right for my business? And how do I know if it's gonna be profitable? Which is an especially good question if you hire an agency to handle it for you. After all, SEO retainers aren't cheap. I think I would know. I run an agency and we charge a lot for it. And before you do any seo, really any marketing or investing or anything in business for that matter, you should always calculate the ROI potential the best you can.

If you can't do it exact, you gotta do something, right? So let's break down right now in three simple steps, exactly how to answer those questions and find out how much money you're leaving on the table in missed opportunities and what the potential SEO ROI looks like for your business. So to make this easy for you, I've created an SEO campaign ly calculator to do just that. And here's how it works. In a previous video, I showed you how to create a list of valuable keywords that consumers are searching for before making purchase decisions. And if you haven't seen that video yet, right click on the uh, video here or in the leak in the description below so you can open it in a new tab and stay on this video and you can get the recap after this one's done. Okay? So once you have your keywords from that video, simply pop the data into this SEO ROI calculator that I'm gonna show you right now.

And it's gonna crunch all the numbers for you at the speed of, well, at the speed of your internet connection. I guess simply go to calculator, click up here or in the description below, and you can access this calculator for your roi, for your SEO for free. Now, what you're gonna do after you click the button is just make a copy for yourself. Go to the ROI calculator for SEO tab, and then all you have to do is fill in the cells highlighted in yellow, put in the numbers that are right for your business, and the tool will do the rest. Want to see how it works? Let's take a quick jump into my computer and check it out.

They're in the computer. They're in the computer. Yeah, they're definitely in there. I just don't know how he labeled them. I got it. You gotta figure it out.

Okay, well, not literally in the computer, but you get it. Let's check it out. So this is the ROI calculator. And without getting lost in all of the cells, there's a couple things I want to take your attention to. And the main one here is this search volume. Right here is where you put in the amount of search volume for buyer keywords. And if you remember in a separate video that we watched, we looked at an example of an Arcadia dentist, and we saw that there's 1,600 searches every month for people looking for dentists in Arcadia or some version of that keyword. And this doesn't even include if we were to include other cities because that would be Dentists Plus and the other cities around there. And we know that local service providers and other businesses don't just get customers from their city. It also doesn't include other services like teeth whitening or dentures or braces or Invisalign or emergency dentist, family, dentist, et cetera.

We're just gonna look at dentist in Arcadia. So imagine if you're a dentist in Arcadia right here. The search volume for that was 1,600. And what we're gonna look at here is lead conversion rate. So what percentage of the website traffic will actually turn into a lead, meaning the call you or a contact form. And we have that here at 15%. You can change this if your website converts higher or lower. Also, here's the close rate. You can change this if you close 30%. Now down here is the average order value, or what do you normally sell on average to a new patient? And in this case for dentist or a new customer for your business on the first time? And then what's the lifetime value? And what we'll be able to see here is that based on 1,600 searches per month, if our website's converting 15% of those le, those visitors, uh, into leads, which and the visitors is calculated here by the click through rate and you close 30% of them and this is how much you make from them, you can see here what your front end revenue is.

Meaning what are you gonna make each month and what are you gonna make on that customer over the lifetime? And if the average SEO campaign for local cost $2,000 a month, which is reasonable, you can see your front end ROI here. So for a dentist in Arcadia, the question about whether or not to do seo, you can see that once your campaign becomes profitable, you should be making at least 2.5 to one on the front end and 14 to one ROI on the lifetime. And that is very healthy, especially considering that we have only included the main keywords like dentist plus Arcadia. We haven't even included search volume for other things like Invisalign, braces, orthodontist, pediatric dentist, emergency dentist dentures, et cetera. And a lot of those have a much higher average order volume or AKA uh, first time purchase. If someone's coming in for dentures, they might be spending $4,500.

And you can see that the front end ROI goes way up there. So you can play around with these numbers to match what the search volume is for the services in your area. You can match what your website converts at and what you close at, and you can put in, um, what your average order value or first time front end purchases are and what the lifetime value of your new customers are. And it will break down everything for you and tell you what you can expect to make from seo. And then you put in the cost of the campaign here and you can see what the projected ROI is. So basically, if there's enough keywords and search volume in your market, your results should be ROI positive, which means you have a huge opportunity sitting right in front of you, not only to make more money, but to establish your business in the marketplace as an authority and build up your online presence to the point where your website is just pulling in free traffic all the time from ready to buy customers who are looking for the exact products and services you sell.

Business doesn't get any easier than that. These are the people who wanna buy, and all you really need to do is just show up when they search. It's seriously that easy. Plus, this is all free traffic, which means you don't have to pay Google every time someone clicks on your website like you would with Google Ads. And for those of you who the results came up ROI negative, well that means that SEO might not be right for you or right for your business, or it could mean that you just weren't able to find the valuable keywords in your niche, which granted sometimes this can be difficult, especially if you operate in a more unique type of business or you just don't have a lot of experience doing it. And if that's the case, I'd like to help you out. Please do yourself a favor and join the ERP University group.

It's totally free. And I answer questions from anybody and everybody in the group about things that they need related to seo, digital marketing, business growth, et cetera. And if you can't find keywords for your niche, ask me about it in the group. You can click the link here or somewhere in the description below. Remember right click open in a new tab and I will help you out to figure it out. And chances are, if you couldn't find the right keywords, I will be able to. In fact, I don't think I've ever been able to not find the right keywords. So challenge to you, challenge from me accepted. Join the group. I'll find the keywords, the link is in the description and probably floating around. Some are out here. So if you're starting to see the opportunity now, and I know some of you are gonna have huge numbers on your ROI calculator, guess what?

That's the amount of business you're missing out on, right? So if you'd like the proven blueprint to follow for starting to build your SEO equity and implement the exact same strategies that we at our agency have crafted and refine over the years to help thousands of businesses add 5, 6, 7, and even eight figures of revenue to their bottom line using free traffic from seo, click the link in the description below and you can download my 100% free SEO guide. It is step by step exactly what we do, and you can follow it too at rhymes so you know that it's real. And like I said earlier, you can join the 100% free cerp University Facebook group to get help with any questions you have along the way. You can get help from myself, you can get help from experts, you can get help and network with other successful business owners and surround yourself with a community of entrepreneurs who are passionate about growth and building good businesses.

Just click the links and the description below and get access faux free. Now, I'd like to hear from you, what was the ROI potential from SEO after you ran the calculator? Comment below. Was it positive? Was it negative? I wanna see who got the biggest score. A k A. You're the bomb at doing keyword research or your business converts. Well, I wanna hear 'em, put 'em in the comments below. Were you able to find enough keywords to see a positive roi? Let me know and I'll help you out. And just one word of warning here, before you start to salivate all over the numbers, it doesn't do you any good if you don't act on it, right? You can have all the potential in the world. You can have a gold mine sydnee right in front of you, but if you're too lazy to go buy the [inaudible] shovel and dig a little bit, it's not gonna help you out.

So in this next video, I'm going to show you where the real magic happens. And I don't mean MTV cribs bedroom magic happening. I'm gonna show you how you can reverse engineer your competitor's success. You can find out why they're being you, where are they getting all their customers from, and uncover the exact next steps on how to beat them on search engines. Hint, it's really easy when you know what to do and you're gonna be able to drive all the new customers and revenue to your business instead of just continuing to let it go to them. I'm also gonna show you how to determine the gap between you and your competitors. How far ahead are they? What is it gonna take to close that gap? And what are the next steps you need to catch up to them and then pass 'em? And dude, that's a lot of stuff you're not gonna wanna miss, trust me. So click on the video right next to me or maybe over there and check it out. I'll see you in the video where we will continue to grow together and I will help you grow your business. Click the video. See you over there right now.


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